'Sorority' meant a society or club of women or girls, esp. in a college.
I spent my weekends with my 2 groups of sororities. =)
Met up with my secondary sorority for dinner, too bad though because Kat can't join us. I think the last time we had a complete group photo was in Sec 4. I wonder when we can have a full attendance. Haiz.
Anyway, the initial plan was to have our dinner at Sushi Tei. However, due to the IMF, everyone avoided Suntec and ended up in Orchard. And stupid us forgot to make a booking, so we ended up at Billy Bombers cos we din want to wait for 45 mins for a table.
As usual, we couldn't decide on where to go next after dinner. Some wanted to watch "Banquet", but was overthrown cos we couldn't get the tickets. Some wanted to go KTV but others rejected. So...we ended up in Meritus Mandarin..Top of the M. Wanted to go Ritz Carlton for a drink, but was put off by the thought of having to pass through Suntec that area. So the next best choice is Mandarin since Lynn has got 50% discount. Heehee :)
It was a nice choice actually. We never knew that Singapore had such a nice night view before we went up. Nice ambience also, except that it's not a place for large groups. It is more of a place for rendevous.
Anyway, I ordered Margaritas. It looked red on the picture, but when it was delivered, it was clear and HUGE!!! I swear I've never seen such a BIG cup before. It is really humogous. Actually all the other drinks are huge also. Their lychee martini are served like chinese tea with gallons of liquid inside the tea pot and rose's Zombie looks never ending. No matter how much she drinks, the volume remains unchanged. hahahaa..
Saw the circumference of the cup? It is as big as the tibits bowl. If ur face is small, maybe u can dip your whole face in it.

From the right: My Magaritas, Jieying's Lychee Martini (you might not be able to see the teapot, cos it's black. But definitely can see the Lychee with the red color thingy), Xiufen's CTE, Lynn's Sunset Tequila, Rose's Zombie (TALL glass) & Huimei's White Russian (blocked by mine)
Met the sisters & brothers in Mdm Mok's place. Discussed the time line for the big day & settled on some logistics. It's a pity some of the sisters couldn't make it for today's meeting. Have to meet up with the sisters again to finalise on the day's events, especially the games part..THAT IS IMPT!!
I'm definitely looking forward to 3 Nov. This is the first time one of my best friend is getting married and this is also the first time I'm in charge of coordinating. Keeping my fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong last minute. I wouldn't want to "disturb" the groom & bride on the day. Luckily I have Suling to help me. :p